Learn catia v5
Learn catia v5

Cities like Pune, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and even some second tier cities like Satara have seen a spurt in demand for experts who have had training in CATIA. CATIA has been adapted by many of the industry leaders. As technology advances, Dassault keeps on adding functionality to CATIA in each subsequent version. Moreover, the software is continuously evolving and expanding.

learn catia v5

Developing countries like India find CATIA extremely useful, and there is a growing demand for experts in the various workbenches offered by CATIA. From a focused beginning, CATIA has grown to be complex software that can cater to most industrial CAD / CAM / CAE requirements.

learn catia v5

It provides professional, intricate and high-spec designs for those who need precise results. CATIA offers advanced features and capabilities across multiple domains.

Learn catia v5